Wednesday, 3 November 2010

New UFDWR publication "The right to Unite" to be launched at the IAMR3

The Right to Unite: A Handbook on Domestic Worker Rights across Asia
A New Advocacy Tool for Domestic Worker Rights

“The Right to Unite: A Handbook on Domestic Worker Rights across Asia”, will be available for the first time during the IAMR3. This new resource tool is both an introduction to women and domestic work in Asia and an in depth look at the hidden violations of domestic worker rights in ten countries in the region. Designed for advocacy, this handbook breaks down information country by country. It contains the latest ILO instruments on domestic work and analyses them in relation to women domestic worker rights. It identifies gaps, highlights concerns and gives concrete recommendations for change.

It has been made possible by the collaborative efforts of the United for Foreign Domestic Workers’ Rights coalition. It is an example of how collective voices can amplify our social movements. This belief in collective strength is what is behind this new tool to promote the right to unite; the right to organise; the right to stand together and demand rights for all workers regardless of sector, gender or nationality. Download the publication here

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