Thursday, 25 November 2010

Sumiyati and the Clinking of Remittances

Wahyu Susilo, policy analyst for Migrant Care and Program Manager at INFID
 Friday, 19 November 2010 | 05:05 WIB

The horrific abuse suffered by Sumiyati, a migrant worker from Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara – her lips cut off by scissors by her employer in Saudi Arabia — is the umpteenth time that such ill-treatment has befallen Indonesian women working in foreign countries.

In the next couple of days but in less than a week, we will be bombarded with expressions of deep concern from public officials and promises to resolve the case. In weeks ahead, these promises will simply fade away until we are once again distressed over the next incident of abuse and torture.There are too many cases of ill-treatment and murder against Indonesian migrant workers to recall, most of which remains unresolved to this day. The President, Minister of Manpower and Transmigration and Minister of Foreign Affairs may fail to remember the ordeal of Ceriyati, Kurniasih, Siti Hajar, Siti Tarwiyah, Susmiyati, Sariah, Winfaida, and dozens of other names who were promised that their case would be brought to justice. Read more 

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